Horrible or Holy Week? -Mark 14: 1-16:8
It has been a big challenge for me even to speak about this week as a “Holy Week”! How do you speak about a “holy” week, the week we saw the worst atrocities been committed against Jesus? This is a week when priests of God through their own chief plotted against the Son of the God they claim to serve. It is that week when the best friend, who sat always closer to Jesus than anybody else, betrayed Him. In this very week, even the most loyal friend and collaborator who had vowed to follow Jesus even unto death, sadly denied him. This is the week when the humblest and holiest man was unjustly sentenced to death, was killed by hanging on the cross, a punishment reserved for the worse criminals of that time.
Let us see the ceremonies of kicking of this Holy Week. It was on the Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered triumphantly into the Holy City of Jerusalem. This story is best told in the gospels, including Mathew 21: 1-15. In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness, well-being, and victory. They were often depicted on coins and important buildings. King Salomon had palm branches carved into the walls and doors of the temple: On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. It was traditional in the Near East to place a cover across the path of someone deemed worthy of highest honor. The palm branch was a Jewish symbol of triumph and victory. In2 King 9:13, Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, received the customary announcing of a king with the spreading of cloaks upon the ground. Jesus, the Messianic King, was given a similar honor. “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:8). Laying down palm branches was customary for a great leader and warrior especially after have conducted a victorious battle. What is peculiar in the beginning of the Holy Week is this palm branches ceremony of victory during a time of relative peace, truly this was before even the battle started! All the horrors I described earlier had not yet taken place, the resurrection which would in that time make sense to ride on the horse through palm branches had not yet taken place!
My friends, this is indeed a “Holy Week”! Yes, even before the battle was started Jesus signaled already the victory by riding on a donkey and through palm branches. In this very week, we deplore the events at Gaza and all the atrocities we see on our TV screens. It is unthinkable of a “Holy Week” in the Holy Land today, in the Middle East for this matter and truly for entire world. However, we know that the victory is imminent and we know the endgame! What is impossible for people, is possible for God. As I write this message, it is possible that you may be facing a situation that in your opinion, this is in fact a horrible week. My friend, I have been there too, but I have come to realize that in the Crucified Lord, my resurrection is also imminent. No matter how the night may be dark, the dawn is coming. Let us walk with the experienced in suffering. A Spiritual song sums it up this way:
1 I want Jesus to walk with me;
2 In my trials, Lord, walk with me;
3 When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me;
As we continue to enjoy this holy week, I wish you the best and may our good God bless you richly!
I want Jesus to walk with me;
all along my pilgrim journey,
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
in my trials, Lord, walk with me;
when my heart is almost breaking,
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
when I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me;
when my head is bowed in sorrow,
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
African Mission Initiative