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Burundi, Bujumbura, Gasenyi Nyakabondo


Let us rise up and build

“Let us rise up and build” -(Nehemiah 2:18)

When Nehemiah returned back to Jerusalem, with the resources to build, he encountered opposition to this noble cause. The good news is that many more people agreed with him to build. I believe in the same way, AMI is partnering with the local community at Kibati: teachers, parents, local officials, and those native from Kibati, to build. Our goad is to rehabilitate the Basic School of Kibati (ECOFO KIBATI), both in terms of building walls, equipping classrooms, but also, to encourage teachers! Indeed, these teachers are serving in the most remote area of the country, only two miles away from the border with Rwanda.

Contributing to the promotion of education in Burundi by creating schools; being one of the objectives set by the Association for Integrated Mission (AMI Burundi), since July 2023 the association has initiated with the support of its partner the International Ministries the work relating to the Extension and Rehabilitation of the Basic School of Kibati (ECOFO Kibati) of the Commune Kabarore in the Kayanza Province.

This work extends over 3 phases, namely the phase consisting of the construction of a block of 3 classrooms; a block of latrines for students and teachers; the phase of rehabilitation of the old classrooms; and finally, the training of teachers through pedagogic conferences. The construction phase of a block of 3 classrooms and a block of student latrines, and a block of latrines for teachers was completed. The newly built classrooms and latrines are all functional and the classes have been equipped with benches, desks for the students and chairs and tables for the teachers. The first phase having been completed; the AMI association has just launched the second phase of the activities planned at ECOFO Kibati. These are works intended to rehabilitate the old classrooms of the school and this work will focus on the rehabilitation of a block of 2 classrooms built by the natives of Kibati which they were unable to complete, and the rehabilitation of 2 blocks of 3 classes each which are in critical condition. Meantime, we have started the pedagogic conferences and the teachers have gained a lot so far. This will be an ongoing activity.

The work of construction is being carried out by a construction company called: Construction Service “SERCOM”.
This work will take place over a period of 3 months starting in July 2024 and we hope that the rehabilitated classes will all be available with the school year which will soon begin in September 2024.
The total cost of this rehabilitation work on the old classrooms amounts to more than 96 million Burundian Francs.