Contact Info

Burundi, Bujumbura, Gasenyi Nyakabondo


Meet our AMI–BURUNDI Coordinator

Meet our AMI–BURUNDI Coordinator Mr.Bienvenu HANDIKIMANA

AMI, Burundi branch is excited to announce that we have now a Coordinator. His name is Mr. Bienvenu HANDIKIMANA. Bienvenu comes to AMI, Burundi branch with a great experience that will definitely allow him to serve AMI with competence.

Mr.Handikimana was born at Kibati where he grew up, and attended the primary school. After primary school, he joined Holy Spirit High School (Lycée du Saint Esprit de Bujumbura). In 2011, Mr. Handikimana joined the prestigious University of Burundi, Campus of Mutanga, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, and Finances , July 2016.

Bienvenu comes with a huge experience! He worked for the Union of Baptist Churches of Burundi, from 05/09/2017 to 30/11/2019. Mr.Handikimana is a proud husband to Ms Francine Irampaye