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Burundi, Bujumbura, Gasenyi Nyakabondo


Pastoral Training at Bubanza

2021, and 2022

Pastoral Training at Bubanza

Both in 2021, and 2022, again through the partnership of MSOC-BURUNDI, and AMI-BURUNDI, Pastors' trainings were conducted at Bubanza. It the same story like in Kayanza, we invite pastors from all protestant denominations. In fact, if any Catholic priest requested, I am sure we would be happy to welcome him among us. Unlike Kayanza were we distributed insurance cards to the poor, in Bubanza we distributed food and clothing to 20 poorest families in the city of Bubanza. I am glad we have a wonderful cooperation with the local administration, and the Mayor is the one to select those most needy families to receive a gift.