The Christmas Tree
Once upon a time, God was walking in the forest. One of the trees seeing God, greeted Him warmly. Then God asked that tree to make a wish. After some time of thinking, the tree told to God: “My wish to you, Oh God Almighty, is to allow me to grow, and grow tall. When I am old enough for harvest, I ask that great artisans make a treasure box out of me. A treasure box where a wealthy family will keep their valuables like gold, jewels, very expensive perfumes, and other items of great value.” God replied to the tree that the wish would be granted! This was a very good day for that tree.
Years passed and the tree grew tall. It could not wait to see God’s promise arrive and be carved into a wonderful treasure box as per the wish granted by God. Sure enough, the day of harvest arrived, and the tree was cut down. Instead of skilled artists, however, a farmer carved the tree’s trunk into a trough for him to feed his cows. Sometimes while feeding, cows would drop in there their dung and urine. Sometimes this manger would have a terrible smell.
You can imagine how this tree was disappointed! It spoke directly to God, it had a promise from God, but its wish was seemingly not fulfilled. The tree began to curse God, that God does not honor His promises. After a time of anger, one morning people took that box turned manger, began to clean it up. They brought swaddling clothes, and the tree heard the voice of a baby crying! Everyone around was joyful. Shepherds showed up, together with angels, all singing around that manger with the baby inside. Later on, three kings came from afar, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for the baby. By now you know the name of that Baby!
What do we learn from the tree? Is there anything you have asked God in prayer, that is taking time to arrive, just like our tree? Just wait, and God’s timing is always the perfect one. In Uganda, they have a wise saying that “Katonda kyotelekera kyomunaku, tekivunda” meaning “What God has for you to eat, it will never go rotten”! But what does God have for you my brother and my sister? “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. I don’t care how long you have been waiting, what I know for sure is that God has something far better than you can imagine, for you. Please wait, and have faith.<.p>
May this Christmas bring to you and to your family, the hope that God has something excellent for you. Just claim it by faith, in prayer!