Contact Info

Burundi, Bujumbura, Gasenyi Nyakabondo


What We Do

Pastoral training seminars
Our seminars are practical in nature and meet the current needs of pastors in their communities.
Vacation Bible School
We conduct vacation bible school for young children ."The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few...."
Young Mothers Prayer team
We help them start small businesses by providing financial support and trainings
Our Main


This new initiative of the Mission in Africa/Burundi consists in equipping shepherds of the Kingdom with practical knowledge likely to elevate the Body of Christ to self-financing
Trained pastors
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Pastoral Training in Kayanza

AMI-BURUNDI in partnership with MSOC-BURUNDI started in April 2021, the training of Pastors at Kayanza....

Vocation Bible School at Bubanza

AMI-BURUNDI, and MSOC-BURUNDI, we have conducted both in 2021 and in 2022 Vocation Bible School .....

Gatumba Relief after Flooding

In 2021, Burundi has experienced excessive rains .Gatumba, one of the areas of Bujumbura, close to Lake Tanganika was under water...

"Your help is therefore a seed for the support of a typically African Church"

Motto: Feed my sheep, John 21:16